Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Bi-Racial... Not Black DAMNIT

Okay, so I have stumbled across this documentary which I found interesting because it is something I face every day. This documentary was created by Carolyn Battle Cochrane" and is titled "Bi-Racial... Not Black Damn It".

I myself am MIXED-RACE. (Black & White). Does that mean that I am BLACK or does it mean i am WHITE? Why can I not be BOTH? In fact.... I AM BOTH!.... Want my opinion??? It does not matter to me what I am.... I am happy in my skin and the body that my parents have produced. 
People often stereotype others by their skin colour. Does that mean I should chose to be more like a race that maybe people believe to be "BETTER". If so, then what is better?
A girl in this video touched the subject I have to deal with everyday.... Black girls consider me black , but not just any black ... they consider me "Light Skinned" .. In fact most people can't eve tell what mix I am by just looking at me... I've been asked whether im part spanish, asian, oriental, indian, portuguese, white, black, moroccan.
A male in the video actually states that he "has nightmares that half his body will get beaten up"- his black half....
This is SAD... VERY VERY SAD....

I don't agree with the title of this video as it almost gives the impression as though the creator does not want to be BLACK.... If I were her I'd change the name... BEING BLACK is a beautiful thing... BEING ANY RACE is a beautiful thing... EMBRACE IT!

Anyways guys, watch the video ... let me know what you think about it and share your opinions in the comment box provided below and if you wish to see similar videos click the like button at the end of this post.



  1. It's so odd that this varies with culture. In Brazil they just go off of the colour of your skin. Most of these ppl would just be called amarelho/pardo or moreno, depending on their colour.

  2. I am biracial as well. These people said everything for me, this was a very good issue to touch on because people don't like to talk about it.
